PRESS RELEASE. Moody's upgrages the long-term deposit ratings of JSCB "InFinBank" to B2 from B3; outlook is stable.

PRESS RELEASE. Moody's upgrages the long-term deposit ratings of JSCB "InFinBank" to B2 from B3; outlook is stable.

PRESS RELEASE. Moody's upgrages the long-term deposit ratings of JSCB "InFinBank" to B2 from B3; outlook is stable.

The 2017 press-release of the Moody's Rating Agency on upgrading the long-term deposit rating of JSCB "InFinBank" from B3 to B2 which has been published on 06.12.2017 is attached below; outlook is stable.

The 2017 press-release of the Moody's Rating Agency on upgrading the long-term deposit rating of JSCB "InFinBank" from B3 to B2 which has been published on 06.12.2017 is attached below; outlook is stable.

According to the press release, Moody's Rating Agency has upgraded the long-term deposit rating in national and foreign currency of JSCB "InFinBank", Uzbekistan, from B3 to B2. The rating agency also has updated the baseline credit assessment (BCA) of JSCB "InFinBank" and changed BCA from b3 to b2.

Simultaneously, Moody's has upgraded the bank's long-term counterparty risk assessment (CR Assessment) to from B2 (cr) B1 (cr). Short-term CR assessment has been confirmed at the level of Not-Prime (cr).

Short-term local- and foreign-currency deposit rating has been confirmed at the Not-Prime level.

The outlook for all long-term bank deposit ratings remains stable.

To get the full text of the press release, please click on this link.


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